Kevin Metz — Chicago, Illinois

Uncooperative with Screening. Refuses to screen, and asks prices for specific services via text – very manipulative via text. He is beyond inconsiderate of SWs. He doesn’t value us or our time. Complaints that he can’t find any good providers. There are plenty out there. HE JUST ISN’T A GOOD GUY ladies! Don’t give him a moment of your time cause he will DEFINITELY waste it! Stocky, 5’9″. Been saying he’s gonna book for days and then asked a bunch of sexual questions probably to get off. Then doesn’t respond. Saw him once. Blocking. Annoying.

Matthew Francis Zink — Kentucky

Total time waster flake. Has a few references that check out but he is listed many times on Mr. NUMBER I see after the fact for being a flake, etc. Even sent a $75 Visa gift card which site wanted my personal info. So that is good for nothing. He canceled an hour before appt and would not send cancel fee. Also asked inappropriate questions via text before appt. Made some BS excuse about babysitter. Lying POS.