Jay Guererri is totally crazy. He’s also dangerous. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he gets very angry. Aggressive behavior. And then he’ll write you a bad review for not wanting to do bareback *******.
All posts by Verify Johns
Soumen Paul — Washington DC
Soumen Paul is rude and uncooperative with screening. He gets explicit during texts even when you ask him to stop. He wants to text all day and waste your time. But he won’t meet you in real life if you refuse to **** him raw.
Graham Gardner — Austin, Texas
Graham Gardner is a little creep. He hit me up for a session and we spoke for a bit. He then out of nowhere popped off on me about my price and started harassing me. I blocked him, and minutes later, I started getting a ton of phone calls from random numbers, as well as threatening texts. Dude’s a psychopath.
Nadeem Srouji — Los Angeles, California
Nadeem Srouji likes to book domination sessions. He booked one with me, but showed up high on who knows what. He also attempted to use counterfeit $100 bills. Do not see!
Paul Mandel — Boulder, Colorado
Paul Mandel is a gross old guy with saggy everything. Wants girlfriend experience with making out and way too intimate things, like forehead kissing. He’s way too sensual, wanting you to look him in the eyes during the act and tell him you love him. Truly a disturbing session.
Nelson Louriro — Raleigh, North Carolina
Nelson Louriro came to see me for a session. He totally ignored the boundaries I had set when we texted. Spanked me, choked me, pulled my hair, et cetera. I felt really violated by the time we were done. I’d never see him again, and neither should you
Nelson Louriro
Raleigh, North Carolina
Nicholas Moringo — Houston, Texas
Don’t see Nicholas Moringo! He’s a terrible abuser. He came to my hotel with 4 guns. He raped me and did it three times in one hour! Very aggressive. I couldn’t do anything because of the guns.
Lamont Dorsey — Los Angeles, California
After session, he wanted more ***. When I told him it costs more for another session, he became very upset and started screaming and demanding his money back, threatened to post me on his youtube channel “Lamont At Large”. Then threatened physical harm to me. This guy wants to take advantage and wants to con a provider into seeing him for free. Really crazy and unstable. DNS..
Name: Lamont Dorsey
Email: lamontatlarge@gmail.com
Email: lamontatlargestories@gmail.com
YouTube Channel: Lamont At Large
His cell phone: 972-765-8972
Los Angeles, California
Kirk Hilliard — Leesburg, Virginia
Kirk Hilliard will ask you to wear stockings and heels. He’ll ask a million questions and ask endlessly for photos. His texts are extremely explicit. Will text you the same nonsense on repeat for days. He makes an appointment, but then wants to talk endlessly until the day of, then he cancels last minute. Complete timewaster and pic collector. Other girls have seen him, but I don’t care, he’s not worth losing anymore of my time with.
Kirk Hilliard
Leesburg, Virginia
(703) 332-9382
Christian Lowe — Bethesda, Maryland
Christian Lowe is a fantasy booker. He claims to be a “new client.” Sent all of his screening info including his ID. I took the time to screen him and spent all day responding, and then he just ghosted me. Time waster just looking for free attention. My friend saw him once and said he was good money, so I guess he’s 50/50, and that’s not worth it to me.